MMS Placement Agency
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As markets emerge, new and different skill sets may be desired. Our company is therefore committed to continuing research into human resource approaches to job content, education and training, testing, certification and hiring practices.

The execution and management of outsource and placement services will be linked to the parent company’s corresponding internal human resource functions which are governed by our Customer Service Charter. Service delivery outcomes will be tracked by open communication, reporting and training.
The benefit to an employer is a single point of request for varying services. The benefit to applicants is the opportunity for access to full or part-time work and temporary project work on a contract basis.

Operational Management is carried out by a broad based experienced team led by an Operations Manager dedicated to search, recruitment and placement. The team consists of a HR expert who maintains systems and procedures for human resource related activities.

A team will ensure the smooth operation of communication, clerical, administrative and technical (IT) systems. The company is equipped with communication tools, computer and software, forms and regulatory processes to enable requests to be met in a timely manner.

The Client’s objectives and job details will be the trigger to commence the search and recruitment process and enable the selection of suitable candidates from the data bank or a wider search. The job description will outline qualifications, responsibilities, salary and benefits. A contract or letter will detail length of employment and conditions of service. The client will also, in consultation with the outsource partner, establish a service level agreement including expected outcomes as part of a Contractual Agreement either already in force or from a newly developed contract. An Agreement will clearly specify the terms and conditions which will cement a relationship, clearly stating the responsibilities of both parties.

A Contractual Agreement will in turn be established between the employee and the outsource agency. An accompanying Operational Manual and Employee Handbook will reinforce the expected outcomes.

Pricing will include standard direct costs for salaries, benefits and management fee. This can either be fixed per employee or determined as a percentage of the total sum. There will be sundries which may be billed as incurred or an agreed percentage set aside as a contingency fund. This may include fees for licences, regulatory requirements (such as visa and work permits), security clearance, drug testing, among others.

Other hybrid forms of pricing may be negotiated such as hourly rate for project workers – short term or for emergency or any other form of requests which may fall outside a standing Agreement, or a modification thereof.

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